We always run

Don't think it, just run! We run, yes we always do! Isn't that a problem? When we can't face problems to see them solved but instead we run!

I've thought it over, and statistics have proven it to be, that we have the best, creative, and talented, but yet we always run. We run to foreign grounds to be productive and leave our roots in ruins.

Billions have gone, millions are plotting to cross and the number will continue to rise if nothing happens. Is that all we can do, I mean is that all we should do? Some people sacrificed to make the places we run to habitable but we are unwilling to pay the price.

But how? They've failed us, or should I say, we allowed them to fail us. They will continue to fail and milk us in corruption because they know we would only run without a fight.

We fight those who close their borders at us instead of fighting those who pushed us out to the borders. If our own people, our own leaders could so corruptly treat us, why wouldn't the foreigners.

Will I also run, better still, should I also run? I ain't a coward and I ain't a fool as well. Running is cowardice but staying seems foolish too. The Bible says we are fools for Christ's sake, so the question is, can we be fools for Revolution's sakes?

Tayo Okanlawon.

Objective Gist

I'm a creative writer and content developer.

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