To the yesterlove

Could it be that we drifted off fate by drifting apart? Could it be that we were meant to be? Can we go back in time to the yester year when we parted ways? To the very same path we trod to our seperation. Maybe, there lies the clue we missed. Could it be?

But, what if it was meant to be. What if we weren't meant to be. Could it be fate doing what it does best, using circumstances to drift us apart to the right path of destiny because we weren't meant to be? Could it be...?

What if? What if our union was a threat and they needed to get us apart? Isn't that a likely possiblity? That we were caused to be drifted and made not to be by powers afraid of the union?

No! But all things they say works for good to those who love God. Or don't we love? Maybe it was a one sided love! Yes, that could be. But destiny has our fate and our faith is in the God of destiny, so why worry about our fate. Yes no cause for worries!

But we have a part to play! What part to play? What will be, will be! But maybe there is a price to pay for that which is to be. Yes, there is a part to play and a price to pay. Submission!!! Submission to the will of God that is to be. That is the part to play.

Objective Gist

I'm a creative writer and content developer.

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