He became a Politician

Well, not just him, they all did when they got to the seat of power. Is there a genie on the seat of power that turns them all to politicians? Not really, it's just the power play. Over the years, we have seen philanthropist with selfless personality being moved (or pushed) to vie for public posts so they could do more good for the people with state resources.  Not to mention names though, even comrades who fought good fights for the wellbeing of the populace as activists, and who the public thought would be a Messiah in government also disappointed when they got to the seat. What happened? They became politicians and drowned in the pool of its dirty games.

Playing politics & politics playing.
There is a saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. The above proverb means that whenever a person has absolute power over people or things, it morally affects their nature and fills them with destructive pride. However, it takes humility to be save from this mind corruption.

Playing politics means to act for political or personal gain rather than from principle. Some people term it diplomacy. This is a very common practice in the Nigerian political sphere. For any leader to be able to do the populace much good, they must play less of politics and stand more for moral principles.

Let he without sin be the first to cast a stone. Would I not also be guilty of their sins if I'm in their place? Many times it's easy to point fingers. Watching our leaders stumbling and falling ought to teach us lessons not to be tripped by the same stumbling blocks they stumbled upon. As future leaders, are we going to lead better or just conform to the status quo? However, we cannot all be on the seat. Some will and must be at the "finger pointing" divide so that the leaders can be put to check when their politics playing and selfish ambition trolls on the people.

Tayo Okanlawon

Objective Gist

I'm a creative writer and content developer.

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